SC Opt-In

Opt-In Process for 2025 - DUE DATE EXTENDED TO MAY 17th

ERRO operates a Manufacturer Clearinghouse for registered computer monitor and television manufacturers that started in 2023. Counties, Solid Waste Authorities and Municipalities of 17,000 or more residents in all other counties who are interested in participating in 2025 will need to submit an opt-in form by May  1, 2024 to be included in the 2025 Plan. [NOTE - DHEC has extended the deadline for the 2025 opt-in form until Friday, May 17th]. ERRO’s Clearinghouse administrator, the National Center for Electronics Recycling (NCER), will be conducting outreach along with DHEC to explain the form and answer any questions.


The 2025 Form is now available here:  South Carolina County-and-Municipality-SWA-2024 Opt-In-Form due 5-1-24